Monthly Unlimited Access
$18/mo Unlimited Access to our library of 450+ real-life yoga classes
$18/mo Unlimited Access to our library of 450+ real-life yoga classes
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Gain access to our Unlimited Monthly library for just $18/month! Sharing 10-20 new classes each month, we will leave all the available content up as long as it is relevant, so that your favorite classes are available to you anytime you want them, as long as you are a member.
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Here are all the courses that are included in your bundle.
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 1/2 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
Inspired by a reflection from Yoga Teacher Training and the quote on the studio wall, this class explores the practice of devotion through yoga, using the qualities of steadiness and ease in the body. Build strength, ease tension, expand breath.
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Learn about your spine, feel into its movements, and reflect on the lessons of the spine in regards to transition. This class is a slower paced level 2 class with lots of space to feel and breathe.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
This gentle class guides you toward yourself. With deep breaths and intuitive movement you'll de-thaw from fear, stress, and grief and find a soft opening.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
The spine is a metaphor for transitions and the qualities needed to navigate them. In this practice connect with fluid and grounding nature of the spine.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Elayna Caron
A sweet 1 hour gentle yoga practice to get you connected to your breath, and into your body. We explore the diaphragm, the pelvis and hips in depth and move the whole body.
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
In this class we had requests for all the big hubs of the body. Plenty of conditioning, mindfulness, and self massage for these potent areas of the body. Leave feeling refreshed!
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Functional Strength
A slower paced, intentional strength practice. You will use a resistance band to hold tension and build up heat in the body for a gentle yet invigorating workout.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Functional Strength, Teacher: Sahar Yarjani
Mat Pilates class focused on legs and glutes, and abdominals. We got squats, side lying work and core work.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Functional Strength, Teacher: Sahar Yarjani
Full body mat Pilates class with a lot the traditional moves or classic favorites!
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Alexis Stierlin
A class to ease into the day and open the hips. This practice is especially supportive for those that sit and work at a desk.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Catherine Braxton
This smooth flow is a slow experience for warming the body, mind and spirit in the cold of winter. Targeting the hips, lungs and spine, it's a wonderful flow to check in, warm and loosen the hips and practice emotional awareness and release.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Functional Strength, Teacher: Sahar Yarjani
Mat Pilates class with emphasis on deeper abdominals and obliques, as well as glutes and legs.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Functional Strength, Teacher: Sahar Yarjani
Mat pilates class with a little bit of everything! Think spinal organization, core engagement, and arms and leg work.
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Restore & Release Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
Start with gentle movement and pranayama to move energy, then a restorative posture, and end with about 45 minutes of yoga nidra - a supported, guided practice into deep rest and dreamless sleep.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Functional Strength
Start with a "sensory shower" to wake up the body. Then practice some full body tension before moving into a slow and steady strength practice. We end with lower body focused self-massage.
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
Practice taking up space in your body inspired by the fullness of the moon. Strong leg and hip focused practice plus heart and shoulder opening to svarga dvijasana, bird of paradise
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Functional Strength, Teacher: Sahar Yarjani
Full body Pilates classes, with a focusing on engaging the core and back body for a strong powerhouse.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Functional Strength, Teacher: Sahar Yarjani
Warm up with this active mat Pilates class including squats, lunges, side-lying, prone and abdominal work. This one will make you nice and warm!
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Make space to breathe deeper in this slow moving flowing class. Enjoy a combination of somatic exercises, yoga asana, and meditation.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Functional Strength, Teacher: Sahar Yarjani
Enjoy an invigorating mat Pilates class working on finding length in our back body and side body and engagement through our center.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Release tension from your neck, shoulders, and chest while inviting gentle backbends. A slow-moving methodical class that will leave you feeling lighter and more spacious.
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
This class is all about slowing down to feel, expand, and move with the breath. Open the shoulders, release the spine. A great one for when you’re feeling like you need a little extra tenderness but also want to move some.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Move gently and gradually with the intention of unwinding tensions from the face, neck, shoulders, and spine. End in deep relaxation and fuller breath.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Teacher: Elayna Caron
A slow and steady offering into the body, this class explores the relationship between the hips, legs & feet. Slow down & unwind with me.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Functional Strength, Teacher: Elayna Caron
Let’s get moving together, a slow and steady way into the body with deep squats, core engagement and a delicious self massage at the end.
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
This strong and nourishing class explores patita tarasana or fallen star and supports you to embrace change and feel your body whole. Explore somatics, strengthen core + shoulders
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Functional Strength, Teacher: Sahar Yarjani
Enjoy an energizing full body mat Pilates class, with emphasis on spine articulation and finding flexion and extension for a yummy limber body.
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes
Take the kinks out of your spine and enjoy long, smooth back bends that open the chest and shoulders and supports the low back and neck.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes
Move slowly and with care as we open the spaces around the heart and give some love to the tender bits that live there.
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 1/2 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
In this practice, we work with the yogic concept dharana, concentration, to focus our energy towards the unique and changing purpose we play in the interconnected web of the world. This full body practice begins with pranayama and ends in meditation
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
In this class we explore our ingrained patterns and embrace embodied curiosity to explore new pathways. Lots of great gentle hip and shoulder conditioning.
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
In this class we will embrace embodied curiosity to notice and transform habits. Bring in play and wiggle room to find pathways through otherwise stuck places. A strong physical practice with explorations of revolved warrior 3.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Prenatal Yoga Classes, Teacher: Qian Leng
Pelvic circles, lunges, and standing self-massage. This class is third trimester appropriate.
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 1/2 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
This neck and spine focused practice helps to release tension not only in the physical body but the other layers of body as well - mental, energetic, emotional, etc. You can take many of these practices, like shushumna pranayama into your life.
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Reflect on ishvara pranidhana - the yogic concept of aligning and surrendering to that essence that goes by many names: spirit / vital energy / god / nature / breath. Move with intention with your breath and midline at the center of your practice.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
This class is a general flow with a healthy handful of neck and shoulder exercises thrown in. Lots of shoulder rotation twisting and side bending to move through stiff and crunchy upper bodies.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Elayna Caron
A grounding practice first taught on the Aries full moon. A deep dive into the nervous system, focused on regulation, and rest. Let’s build a cozy pillow fort in our bodies.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
This slow and steady class gets right into the shoulders and the front of the chest with a lot of backbends and side bends. Plenty of time and attention is devoted to the breath; slowing it, and maybe our minds, down too.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
This is a brisk and possibly challenging class that explores the the many ways the spine can move as well as some work towards strengthening the supports around the spine.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
In this class we stretch, move, and strengthen with a focus on the upper back, shoulders and neck. Clear tension and make space to breathe more fully.
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
Build strength and openness guided by hri: humility and receptivity. We'll strengthen our cores and arms, play with blocks, and ultimately land in versions of side plank. Physical practice as a pathway to embodying our values off the mat.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Slow down and tune into the movements and strength of the hips. Build embodiment and presence through this detailed oriented slow-going practice.
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
This class opens with a talk on yoga philosophy and how our practice is an invitation to come into the present moment more fully. We embody these teachings by feeling our relationship with the ground and through fun arm balances and backbends.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
This class is relatively calm and quiet. A great class to move the shoulders, twist the spine and rest the mind.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
This class is a quiet stroll exploring the nooks and crannies of the ribs, spine and shoulders. Ample amounts of back-bending, side-bending and forward-folding are lightly spiced with core strengthening. A great class to prep for pincha mayurasana!
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1/2 Classes, Teacher: Kate Skaggs
Last class of this iteration, it centers on lineage as a compass for action off the mat. This includes Nadi shodhana, channel clearing breath, followed by gentle stretching on the floor, a gentle sun salutation, and recommended longer savasana.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
This class is great for a day when you feel stiff and stagnant. We almost never stop moving though a fluid series of familiar poses. The class is not for overthinking, it's simply for feeling good.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1/2 Classes, Teacher: Kate Skaggs
A little bit of everything: guided meditation, gentle spinal movement, short sun salutation, standing balance pose, savasana. Participants can play with proprioception and interception and tailor the class to what you need in the moment.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
This class is a slow moving combination of back body stretches and active spinal twists. A good amount of attention is paid to the feet and hamstrings as we move towards some standing twists.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1/2 Classes, Teacher: Kate Skaggs
Many different options for a quieter practice; inviting participants to be curious about what they need in the moment, or recognizing "I don't know" is also valid. An opportunity to explore the niyama svadhyaya, through gentle movement & meditation.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
This is a relatively slow but consistent flow that focuses primarily on lengthening the back body from the feet all the way up to the back of the neck. Lots of forward folds accompanied by delicate neck stretches.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Functional Strength, Prenatal Yoga Classes, Teacher: Qian Leng
Prenatal appropriate standing glute work, core work in side lying with Pilates ball. Upper back self massage with foam roller.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1/2 Classes, Teacher: Kate Skaggs
Support for grounding, especially in peak summer heat and business. First half, and last 10 minutes, of class is gentle movement on the floor. Includes a gentle stepping and balance sequence.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
This class really gets into the nooks and crannies of the chest, shoulders, and upper back. Pretty much a moving standing practice for the whole time. We flow though some back bends, variations of side plank and some twisty-turny moves.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Give your spine a nourishing does of gentle movements. Melt your tensions from neck on down to hips and energize the sleepy the spaces.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Addresses different aspect slouching: fatigue, weakness, and tightness. Carve out time to rest into nourishing breath, strengthen the back body to help hold your body up, and stretch the chest and shoulders to create space.
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
This class is inspired by the apple tree and engages the full body with an emphasis on opening through the side body. A wonderful practice for moving energy and feeling connection.
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Prenatal Yoga Classes, Restore & Release Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
Start with gentle movement and pranayama to move energy, then a restorative posture, and end with about 45 minutes of yoga nidra - a supported, guided practice into deep rest and dreamless sleep.
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
A fun class to build heat, move energy, and express yourself. We'll explore embodiment of ahimsa, the yogic concept of nonharming.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Learn the alignment details of Warrior 1, 2, and 3. Gain support from the floor, wall, and blocks to ground and find length.
All Classes
This class is for days when the nervous system is feeling a little jangled and the energy feels stagnant and sticky. Lots of big breathes, sweeping movements and balancing fill this mostly standing class.
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 1/2 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
A hip-focused practice for low back relief and working with change.
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
A full body practice to nourish the layers of your body - physical, mental, emotional, spiritual.
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
This slow yet strong practice supports your full expression - embodying ahimsa, or non-harming, through a strength, length, and softening.
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
A full body twisting practice to honor the summer solstice and sun. What were the seeds you planted at the start of the year? What do you want to take with you from the last six months into the next? What is ready to be let go of?
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
Explore the nuances of tadasana, mountain pose, in this well-rounded practice that starts slow and low, builds some heat, and then returns to rest, ending with a seated meditation.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
This class is a celebration of hips and shoulders. A very slow floor-based warm up prepares us for a quicker standing flow that culminates in Garudasana (eagle pose).
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1/2 Classes, Prenatal Yoga Classes, Teacher: Qian Leng
Prenatal appropriate gentle yoga class w some standing poses and glute self massage at the end.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
This class rolls through spinal articulation in all directions, stretches the front of the chest and pays extra attention to the little sticky spaces in between the ribs.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1/2 Classes, Teacher: Kate Skaggs
Offered in a PNW heatwave, most of class invites you to be on your back, stomach, and knees with a short sun salutation and standing balance pose. Cues for class encourage agency and inward curiosity for what someone might need in the moment.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
This class focuses mainly on the upper body. It twists in and out of shoulder mobility, upper back strength and front-chest stretching. Great for when things feel a little stagnant and sticky around the heart.
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
A full body practice with lots of rotation, leg and arm work to embody the balance of tapas - discipline or efforting and isvara pranidhana - surrender.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Functional Strength, Prenatal Yoga Classes, Teacher: Qian Leng
Upper back and shoulder mobility and strength using resistance band. Glutes with core ball. Foam rolling for the legs and knee injury prevention.
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Flow through a practice that touches on all the skills we've honed and culminate in a headstand practice. During the headstanding portion of class, you're invited to do other skill building practices if going upside down doesn't feel right.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
This class moves slowly with breath and guided awareness into the pelvic region. Gentle movements allow this landscape to come to life. Gently release tensions and allow yourself to reset from the root of your being.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
This beginner friendly active class will support strength, flexibility, and balance. Enjoy a long rest at the end to integrate.
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
This class invites us to let go and surrender our habitual control and gripping and come into more honest relationship to the effort needed to practice headstand/sirsasana... but also hard life things too.
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Build full-body awareness, balance, strength and flexibility. Approach going upside down on forearms and hands rather than the head - keeping pressure off the neck and head for now. Develop your confidence to approach headstand the next two classes!
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
This class starts slowly-roly-poly on the back with attention to the glutes and front of the hips. Then we stand up and do a nice steady flow that tends to the inner and outer hips.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1/2 Classes, Teacher: Kate Skaggs
Gentle class offers options for keeping attention close in and for choosing how to move in the moment that supports what you might need. Includes guided meditation, floor stretching and restorative shapes, Virabhadrasana 2-focused standing sequence.
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Restore & Release Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
We begin with a neck release, followed by some gentle unwinding movements, and then three restorative postures supported by props. We end with guidance into yoga nidra for chronic pain and stress.
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 1/2 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
We'll begin with a reclined mindfulness practice that then gets infused into our movement practice - cultivated relaxed attention even in more challenging postures. Our physical practice prepares us for a seated meditation at the close of class.
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Reside in your center as you unfurl and gather back in. This class will strongly call on your core strength and is paired with back body lengthening. We use this to access supported headstand prep with integrity.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
This class rotates, backbends, squats and lunges from the hips. A steady, measured flow with a mellow warm up and wind down.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1/2 Classes, Teacher: Kate Skaggs
Starting with a guided meditation and gentle floor stretching, participants encouraged to choose variations that resonate for them. Practice connecting with breath in a steady way through Virabhadrasana II, Warrior 2. End with integrative rest.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, 45 Minute Classes, Teacher: Cary Spaeth
Gemini New Moon and just about everyone's there; we explore a slow, fluid, strengthening, and stabilizing practice of connecting reach and swirling around the midline.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1/2 Classes, Teacher: Kate Skaggs
This class provides many different options. Focus is on support for grief, overwhelm. Want to stay on your back with legs up a chair? Or want a more vigorous practice? The "yoga" is turning inward to ask and invite and change your mind as you go.
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Restore & Release Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
We start with gentle movement and pranayama - movement of energy through breath, then a long rest practice. Yoga nidra is a rest-based state. In this practice, Tara guides you into nidra and chants the Mahamrityunjaya mantra for about 20 minutes.
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
Call on external and internal stability to open central channel and heart. Lots of nourishment for the neck in this practice.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes
Enjoy some gentle strengthening, stretching, and body-awareness practices to align the neck.
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Use massage, strengthening, isolation movements, and stretches to condition the hips.
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Clear the neck of tension, strengthen the shoulders, tone the core, and prepare our breath. No headstands yet in this practice but building the skills and awareness to get there. (Part 1 of 4)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
This class is another slow starter that eventually rumbles into a twisty, outer hip focused flow. Great for when you are a little stiff and sleepy but want to move around.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Alexis Stierlin
Throughout class we practice dhāraṇā by focusing on, and exploring the breath while preparing for ardha chandrasana (half moon). There are fewer asanas (poses) to allow more spaciousness and opportunity to connect with the breath.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Cary Spaeth
A nourishing, warming, grounding, circular, and tender practice
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
This class is dedicated to your calves and feet. Plenty of stretching, plenty of smooshing, plenty of strengthening. There is a lot of deep knee bending in this class, so check in with your knee joints before choosing this class.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
This class is another slow start to a steady flow that focuses primarily on the hips, feet and low back. With a little balance thrown in for flavor.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
This is a great class for when being still doesn't feel like a great option for the mind or the body. We slowly but consistently keep moving for just about the whole hour. Lots and lots of hip and low back focused movements are woven into the flow.
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
A strong and nourishing practice to move energy and surrender to the flow of our bodies and beings.
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 1/2 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
A nourishing hip-focused practice to deepen into connection with ourselves and the world around us.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
This class is for when you've been doing a bunch of heavy lifting. It is a slow flow that lingers in many stretches for the low back, hips, front of chest and side body.
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
Explore nuanced spinal rotation in this fun, relaxed yet challenging full body practice. Feel your strength, possibility, and spaciousness through embodied listening rather than focus on the end goal.
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 1/2 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
Release attachment to outcome and build capacity to relish in the process. Exploring twists, feeling legs, opening shoulders, strengthening core, releasing neck - ahhhhh.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Functional Strength, Prenatal Yoga Classes, Teacher: Qian Leng
Foot massage with small massage ball. Standing and tabletop glute work with the resistance band. Obliques in side lying. Foam rolling for hips and low back.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1/2 Classes, Teacher: Kate Skaggs
This class is an invitation into a conversation with your inner landscapes, curiosity about what you might need from your practice in the present moment. Gentle movement and twisting, many options. Reflecting on the full moon and blooming spring.
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Explore the yogic ethical concept of Aparigraha, taking only what you need and nothing more. Consider the ways we can more fully embody what we already have. Open up and deepen into this strong and satisfying practice.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
In this practice we tend to our feet and ankles and bring intentionality to the alignment of our foundation. Find clarity and enjoy the ripple effects up your body!
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
This class mucks about in all the nooks and crannies of the chest and shoulders. Some twists, backbends and a few arm balances are sprinkled into this fun sequence.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Prenatal Yoga Classes, Teacher: Qian Leng
Chest openers, Sun salutations x3, self massage for upper back
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Functional Strength, Prenatal Yoga Classes, Teacher: Qian Leng
Standing glute work with the foam roller. Foam rolling of glutes and pelvic floor to end the class. Prenatal appropriate.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Kate Skaggs
Class starts quietly on the floor and builds to a slow, mindful sun salutation, surya namaskar, and warrior 2, Virabhadrasana 2 practice. Focus is on invitations for compassionate curiosity, connection with breath, and inner sense of poses (asana).
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
This class starts slow but builds to a fairly challenging flow involving a whole lot of squats, twists and directional changes. Get your rights, lefts, fronts and backs clear, because we twirl in all the directions!
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 1/2 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
How do we stay rooted in our truth while being receptive to others? We often attach to our own truth so tightly that we can’t let in the truth of others, or turn towards others so much that we lose ourselves. let’s explore this in our bodies!
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
This class is like getting a big hug... but from the strength of your deepest core and hip muscle: the Psoas. Feel your strength and relieve tension from your low back and hips.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Enjoy this gentle class that will soothe your nervous system and restore your energy. Practice nourishing practices that will leave you renewed.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Functional Strength, Prenatal Yoga Classes, Teacher: Qian Leng
Foam roller with standing glute work. Core work on ball with prenatal modifications.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
This is a slow but steady class that flows though a lot of forward fold based stretches with an emphasis on feeling continuity and connection through the whole body.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Alexis Stierlin
In this class we cultivate presence with the breath while exploring tree pose. We move at a slower pace and postures are held for longer, which allows us to focus on the internal experience.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
This class is for when the low back needs equal part stretching and support through strength. Lots of twists, forward folds and mild abdominal strengthening weave together into a slowish, quiet flow.
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Give your spine some TLC with this back-loving practice. Strengthen, mobilize, and revitalize.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Give your spine a little love with gentle mobilizations, strengthening, and isolations. Ease tension and create space in this beginner friendly practice. End with an optional passive neck traction using the support of a strap.
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
A nourishing practice to cultivate embodied choice and sustainable backbends. Spine, hips, and shoulders!
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Isn't it amazing how such delicate spring buds push through heavy, tough, soil? In this class we find pathways toward fierce expressions and elements of tree pose, Vrksasana, to explore our strength and precision with softness and receptivity.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Isn't it amazing how such delicate spring buds push through heavy, tough, soil? In this class we work with elements of tree pose, Vrksasana, to explore our strength and precision with softness and receptivity.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1/2 Classes, Teacher: Kate Skaggs
Seasonal transitions can be powerful moments for an intentional pause. This class supports this through gentle grounding and uplifting poses, asana. Many options, and other invitations for svadhyaya (self study & inquiry), offered.
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Restore & Release Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
Inspired by the spring equinox, this practice supports to connect you with the breath, restore the natural rhythm of your vital life energy, and connect with that which connects us all to one another.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Explore the yogic ideas of discipline and non-harming through practicing alignment precision while at the same time making space for adaptation. A nice full body practice with extra attention to the feet and shoulders.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Cary Spaeth
A circular exploration of the central body with attention to the experience of being an earthling. We move through intentional arm gestures in the attempt to be with breathing body in its own elegance.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
This class is a combination of self message and slow movement focused on the back of the body from the neck to the feet. Much of the movement in geared towards gently releasing the neck.
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Reflect on Asteya, the yogic principle of non-stealing, and consider the impact of robbing oneself of the opportunity to be in-process. This class focuses on the journey rather than the destination with Half Moon as the lighthouse.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Yoga is a practice of nourishing and intentionally directing the vital energy that is within and around us. This class will guide you to feel into the subtle experience of your energy (prana) and direct it down for grounding.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
This class is a quick-moving, strength-building flurry of poses with some focus on arm strength, side body stretch/strength and some balance. The sequence ends with some slow stretches and a guided meditation.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Cary Spaeth
Coming together, coming apart; inquiries into the many modes of relating.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
This is a slow burn to a mighty crescendo that primarily focuses on the strength and stretching of the outer hips and side body with some sneaky core work woven throughout.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Cary Spaeth
We explore sequential movement, and various confluences (physical, subtle, imaginal) through various shapes.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Cary Spaeth
A well rounded, slow and deliberate early morning practice.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Yogis have long been inspired by the relationship between the sun and the moon. In this class we honor those two poles and feel their teachings within our bodies. Physically we create space through side bends in this gentle flow.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2/3 Classes, Teacher: Cary Spaeth
Circular, warming, fluid, churning around the central body
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
Cultivate steadiness and ease, stability and spaciousness - sthira sukham asanam - in this relaxing yet challenging class.
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 1/2 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
This hip focused class embodies the yogic concept of sthira sukham - steadiness and ease, or stability and space. Strengthen and open the hips in this slow, yet heat building practice, to move through your life with more alignment and connection.
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Bring presence to all phases of practice - the slow build to start, the heat at the middle, the slowing down again, and finally the deep rest of savasana. Restore balance and enjoy playful variations of bridge pose along the way.
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 1/2 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
A whole body practices that mindfully builds heat and creates space.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
In this class we take our time to bring presence to the cycle of experience - the ways all things rise, peak, fall away, and rest. Physically, we work up to a strong bridge pose / Setu Bhandasana.
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 1/2 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
Move with the natural spirals of the body to infuse your practice with intention, open the fronts of the shoulders, strengthen the back body, and circulate breath. How can the microcosm of our bodies and our practice reflect the world beyond?
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Reflect on Aparigraha - the yogic concept of non-grasping - while flowing through a sequence that opens your shoulders, strengthens your back, releases your hips, and taps into your strength.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
In this class we explore the yogic concept of aparigraha, which prompts us to question our need to grasp for more. Contemplate this in life and on the mat with movement and stretches that honor your edge rather than go past your boundary.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
This class is primarily focused on mobilizing the upper body. The class explores many different backbends and side bends to stretch the chest as well as moves through all sorts of upper back, shoulder, and side body focused shapes.
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
This class opens all sides of the heart space with twists, chest openers, neck releases, side bends, and forward folds. It also happens to get into this hips. Enjoy this well rounded practice!
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 1/2 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
The intention of this practice is for you to feel strong and supported, trusting of your inner wisdom, strength, and receptivity to move you through challenging times, transitions, and even exciting new adventures. Stretch, build heat, and breathe.
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
Lots of twisting, balance, back and front body opening to feel the interconnectedness of our whole beings, at the micro level of the body and the macro level of the universe. How can feeling into interconnection support collective liberation?
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 1/2 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
Explore and follow your own curiosity and inner wisdom in this heart, lung, and hip opening practice with many twists and options. Start with a journal or contemplation prompt-- see how that lands in the body through movement, breath, and stillness.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
This class explores yoga as a liberatory practice. Physically, this sequence releases the neck, shoulders, chest, and hips without putting pressure on the wrists.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
This class moves slow and steady through an exploration of the feet, ankles and hamstrings. Alternating between soft stretches and strength-engaging poses this class will hopefully leave you feeing calm and integrated.
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Inspired by a quote from Pema Chödrön about embracing complexity, this class guides you to expand your awareness beyond the obvious while building skills for handstands. Wake up your legs and arms while moving slowly and gradually.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Pema Chödrön inspires this class with her reminder to hold complexity and move away from black and white thinking. We apply this to mindful movement in this leg-focused class.
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
This class is designed to get warm! Lots of twisting and arm flapping to thaw out the upper body as well as hip strength and mobility to prepare for any slip lidding ice walking. (1.17.24)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Monicka Koneski
Increase strength, stability, and mobility of the shoulders with some fun and challenging movements that will deepen your understanding of efficient alignment in some of the most commonly practiced yoga postures. (1.10.24)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Monicka Koneski
This class includes a variety of fun and challenging movements to cultivate strength, stability, AND mobility in your shoulders, while deepening your understanding of shoulder position in frequently practiced yoga postures and movements. (1.9.24)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Arrive into the New Year with strong and supple shoulders and open hips. Layered onto this physically satisfying sequence is a mindfulness practice of self compassion and receptive inquiry. All round support for body and mind! (1.6.24)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Soften into this New Year practice with shoulder conditioning and neck releases along with general full body tending. (1.5.24)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
This is a slow, sleepy class that is primarily built around stretching the back of the legs, the feet, the low, mid and upper back. Good for a day when you're low energy but still need a bit of a wiggle. (1.3.24)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
This class is almost entirely focused on stretching the front of the chest, shoulders and spine. An hour of active and passive stretches for the pectoral muscles, backbends and twists while softening the jaw, and exploring the shoulders. (12.27.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
Shake your winter chills and computer posture with some twists, chest openers and shoulder work in this warming flow. This class takes the spine through a variety of kinds of twists while building heat with some core strengthening. (12.20.23)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 1/2 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
We'll tend neck and shoulders and connect with the breath for whole body softening. (12.17.23)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
In this class we explore the qualities of the seasons and spend extra time in those of winter. This active class has a lot of great movements for the shoulders and hips and ends with a long supported rest. (12.16.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Reflect on the seasons and prepare your body and mind for the transition into the darkest time of year. This class focuses on gentle twists and makes its way to deep winter rest. (12.15.23)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
A strong shoulder and leg practice to activate and release trapped defense responses. Lots of strong pushing of hands and feet against the floor, building to an L handstand at the wall. (12.11.23)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 1/2 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
A full body practice to lean into external and internal support - to share the work so you don't have to hold it all. (12.10.23)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 1/2 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
This slow yet heat-building back bend class takes inspiration from harbor seals which use their breath, hearts, and bodies to do the work they need to do in the world, to be in right relationship with sea and land. (11.12.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Gentle movements in all your joints from your head to your toes while cultivating mindfulness. Great beginning or end of day practice. (12.1.23)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Restore & Release Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
Gently unwind tension and then rest with deep support to release and create space (12.4.23)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
This class focuses on mindfulness practices and moving the spine into it's full range of motion. Move through twisting, side bending, back bending, and folding forward and melt your tension. (12.2.23)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
A shoulder strengthening, hip opening and strengthening class that builds towards bakasana, crow pose. We'll move, digest, and release energy in alignment with the seasonal transition from autumn to winter. (11.6.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes
Open up the side of your ribs, waist, and outer hips. Connect with a deeper breath and with the felt-sense experience of belonging. (11.10.23)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Inspired by the side-body as a metaphor for interdependance, this class has you reaching, opening, and pressing to find space and connection. Challenge yourselt with variations of side plank - Vasisthasana (11.11.23)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 1/2 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
Deepen your intention-setting practice by learning and embodying sankalpa - the truth of your being-ness. Tara will guide you mindfully into this practice. We’ll tend to hips, neck, spine, ankles and play with balance. (9.10.23)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Unstick the stuck areas and stabilize the loosy goosy spots. Find balance and space in your upper body through a slowed down, spine and shoulder focused, sun salutation practice. (9.9.23)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
A slow and nourishing practice to connect with yourself and feel your connection with the world around you. (8.27.23)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
This fun flow class will challenging you physically! It will also support the deep work of remaining present in the in-between spaces that are often turbulent. Deepen your breath, move your body, and end with deep nourishing rest. (9.2.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Use the power of gentle movement and intentional breath to balance your energy. Whether you're wound up tight, feeling super charged and can't slow down, or feeling unable to get off the couch and exhausted, this class is for you! (9.1.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
This slow, low-to-the-ground class, will stretch out your side body so you can feel more spacious and connected to the world around you. Enjoy gentle side bends, neck and shoulder releases and hip stretches. (8.25.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Tend to the whole back line of the body with the aim of freeing the feet from tension. This class includes some self massage, light strengthening, and stretching to create space. (8.18.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1/2 Classes, Teacher: Kat Kocurek
A 60-minute practice to help you find cooling breath and movement in the warmer days of summer. Release, flow, and breathe your way to steadiness, softness, and openness as resources for dealing with the heat. (8.15.23)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Restore & Release Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
Call on the element of water to release tension and facilitate flow in the body. We'll do some gentle movement and then rest with the support of props. (8.14.23)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
Call in the element of water to build stability in your hips and facilitate flow through your pelvis - the connector between your legs and your spine. This is a great hip strengthening and opening flow to tend to your hamstrings. (8.14.23)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
This practice will meet you where you're at with lots of options to up or down-level. Open the hips, find your strength, and connect deeply with your ability to ground. (8.12.23)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 1/2 Classes, Teacher: Kat Kocurek
Take inspiration from tidal energy to unwind with this slow, steady, breath-based flow. Find length, openness, and connection to ground as you progress through seated, prone, standing, and supine postures. Hip release with massage balls! (8.13.23)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Your practice can be a place to take in the good, not in a way that diminishes what's hard, but as a way to take in the nourishment of what's going well in your life. This practice uses meditation and movement prompts to explore the theme. (8.11.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1/2 Classes, Teacher: Kat Kocurek
Enjoy this slow and steady flow practice with thoughtful asana exploration and mobility work - especially for shoulders and hips! (8.8.23)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 1/2 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
For anyone working on ankle stability, and/or with foot, knee, hip, or low back pain. Building from the foundation we cultivate mobility, stability, and ease, to nourish ourselves and tune in to the yogic concept santosha (contentment). (8.6.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1/2 Classes, Teacher: Kat Kocurek
Take a tour around your hips with this slow and steady class that starts with exploring your hip joints in many ways from your back, belly, and standing. End with a slow flow that challenges balance and coordination. (8.1.23)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
A very grounding practices that establishes a deep and effortless breath while conditioning the hips. Explore an interesting and challenging variation of bridge pose (setu bhandasana). (7.29.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
A meditative class that will gently make space for your breath. This class will help you cultivate your ability to get present again - amongst the turbulence that life throws at you. (7.26.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1/2 Classes, Teacher: Kat Kocurek
Move through a slow and steady flow with a focus on the hips, upper spine, and how the head and the heart (and their relationship with one another) can add more nuance to your practice. (7.25.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Deepen your breath and take a load off. This class will help you lie down all that extra baggage you are carrying on your shoulders. Enjoy an easy going hour of meditative movement, deep breathing, and neck release. (7.21.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1/2 Classes, Teacher: Kat Kocurek
Find length and strength with a slow, progressive flow that works mindfully with hips, shoulders, and side bodies. This asana series invites attunement to your breath and culminates in an exploration of vasisthasana (side plank). (7.11.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Functional Strength, Teacher: Britt Rhoden
Slow and focused movement for hip range of motion and strength (7.7.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Britt Rhoden
Use the wall in creative and supportive ways. Practice a supported version of Sirsasana (headstand) and end with Prānāyāma. (7.3.23)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 1/2 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
In this class, we explore the qualities of sthira and sukha, stability and good space. Strengthen the back body to open the front body and facilitate flow. (6.25.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1/2 Classes, Teacher: Britt Rhoden
Soften your hip flexors and allow your sacrum to feel spacious in twists and gomukasana. (6.20.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Britt Rhoden
In this class we roll around on the floor and channel our inner dancer. Britt guides you through creative movement and invites you to be fluid and playful. (6.16.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Bring awareness and tend to your 6 end-points: feet, hands, tail, and top of head. The rest of your body will melt into relaxation. (6.9.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Monicka Koneski
Work toward handstand prep by exploring active shoulder range-of-motion, hip flexion, and core strength and stability. We will lean into some functional strength movements for the warm-up, and finish with a deep twist to release into rest. (6.6.23)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Use straps and blocks to find length, steadiness, and freedom in your spine. Cultivate mindfulness of this central axis of your body. (6.3.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
This class focuses on finding length in our spine without the over-efforting of hoisting ourselves up. Creative use of yoga blocks unlocks length, balance, and steadiness. (6.2.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1/2 Classes, Teacher: Kat Kocurek
A class for folks who want to move in all-the-ways, this slow flow invites plenty of twisting, core awakening, spinal articulation, lunging, squatting, and even a little balance challenge. (6.6.23)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
Unwind tension and tap into the flow of energy within and around you. Somatic hip opening, standing balance, shoulder strength and opening, culminating in Gomukhasana, cow face pose. (6.5.23)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 1/2 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
Inspired by the moon, this Hatha yoga practice uses breath and movement to invoke lunar qualities of intuition, feeling, and BEING. We'll engage and release tension through the whole body with special focus on back body opening. (6.4.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
This class moves through the hip joints, glutes, quads, hip flexors and low back in order to explore and expand awareness in and around the pelvis. (5.31.23)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2/3 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Use massage, stretching, and strengthening for a happy and aligned spine. This picks up and offers some nice flowing movement as well. Enjoy! (5.27.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1/2 Classes, Teacher: Kat Kocurek
Cultivate inner awareness of your core, your spine, and your shoulders in this lengthening, strengthening, centering flow. Lots of forward folding and shoulder strengthening, plus back bending for your spring time practice. (5.30.23)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
Explore physical balance, get present to your own embodied experience, and find your center. This slow and strengthening class brings special attention to the feet and hips as a portal to feel the aliveness of your whole body. (5.28.23)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Kat Kocurek
Go spelunking in your side bodies in this 75 minute Align & Flow class that alternates between strength-based exertion and loungy exploration. You might just leave your mat feeling longer. (5.24.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
This class is a variety of active, passive, seated and standing twists woven into a steady flow and sprinkled with a bit of extra attention to the outer hips. (5.24.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Monicka Koneski
Approach adho mukha svanasana/downward facing dog via shoulder opening and strengthening, core support, and ample side-body lengthening. Let's demystify this well-known, yet often misunderstood and intimidating, yoga asana! (5.24.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Kat Kocurek
Explore your relationship with foundational yoga poses in this slow and steady asana flow. Beginner-friendly with plenty of nuance for more experienced practitioners seeking a grounding practice. (5.23.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1/2 Classes, Teacher: Sahar Yarjani
A slow practice to open the heart and release the shoulders, leaving a little taller and rooted into our being. (5.18.23)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé, Restore & Release Classes
Go from legs up the wall, to gentle hip and shoulder openers, to deep rest in supportive postures. Throughout the practice you are guided to take gentle yet deep breaths, which will generate spaciousness and deep relaxation. (5.17.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
This class is a steady flow for the whole body with a mild emphasis on outer hip stretching. (5.17.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Monicka Koneski
In this class we will strengthen and lengthen the muscles supporting the shoulders, chest, upper back, and side body. Uncover your strength and stability for greater ease in side plank and other poses that bear weight in the hands. (5.17.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1/2 Classes, Teacher: Kat Kocurek
Use your connection to ground as a way of opening up expansive reaches within your body. This class helps you find length and connection between arms, legs, and spine - with fun interoceptive cues to wake up your mind-body connection. (5.16.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Britt Rhoden
Explore different ways to engage your triceps to help with shoulder strength and stability and prepare for forearm stand. (5.12.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
This class is is a fun and flowy exploration of front chest open, shoulder stretch, backbends and twists. (5.10.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Monicka Koneski
Feel energized, mobilized, and uplifted as we dive into movements and asana that free up the chest, shoulders, and upper back. We will cap it all off with an exploration of upward-facing dog that is beginner friendly! (5.10.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1/2 Classes, Teacher: Kat Kocurek
Cultivate strength and stability in this yoga asana practice that will challenge you to find your balance. A wrist-friendly class exploring thoughtful transitions between seated, supine, and standing postures. (5.9.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
It's spring, which means for many of us we are getting outside, becoming more active, and getting into our gardens. This class offers practices and insights into how to make this transition as smooth as possible for happy hips and low back. (5.5.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Functional Strength, Teacher: Britt Rhoden
A playful class with an array of fun full-body movements. (5.5.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2/3 Classes, Teacher: Sahar Yarjani
We'll start and end supine opening the hips, with a flowy standing practice to lengthen and give those hips some more love. (5.4.23)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Teacher: Kat Kocurek, Gentle, Aging & Accessible Yoga
Feel your connection to breath and ground in this accessible yoga class - explore supported twists, forward folds, hip and shoulder mobility from the chair, from your feet, and from the floor. Plenty of options, lots of spaciousness. (5.4.23)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Restore & Release Classes, Teacher: Sahar Yarjani
Enjoy slow gentle movements, lengthening the side body and limbs, and longer Yin holds to open the hips for a full body release. (5.3.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
This class is a slower paced flow peppered with A LOT of hand, wrist and forearm strengthening and stretching. (5.3.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1/2 Classes, Teacher: Kat Kocurek
This class offers softening, expansive movement and breath to help you explore heart openers and cultivate strength and connection for supported back bending. We end with an exploration of camel pose (ustrasana) and supported supine twists. (5.2.23)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
NOURISH 5.1.23
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2/3 Classes, Teacher: Kat Kocurek
Get out all the wiggles, inviting your body, mind, and spirit into a playful concert of heart-openers, twists, and upside-down shapes. Find your sense of self and ground to tap the energy of this spring season. (4.26.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2/3 Classes, Teacher: Sahar Yarjani
We'll start supine with longer stretches to warm the body up for more active asanas, opening the hips and lengthening the body. (4.27.23)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
The request was finding relief for the hips so that's exactly what we did! Start by settling and softening, pick up the pace with strengthening, and end with mobility. (4.26.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
This fairly energetic flow moves through the entire body. A mid-week, mid-day, mid-spring shake and wiggle. (4.26.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Monicka Koneski
This class will invite you to cultivate strength, stability, and range-of-motion through the hips, pelvis, and knees. Explore deep squats, twists, and a fun and challenging balance sequence, and finish with some yummy hip stretches. (4.25.23)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
Tend to the neck and shoulders by finding the dynamic relationship between releasing and strengthening, as we build toward L handstand at the wall. (4.24.23)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Find flow as you explore revolved triangle pose. Reflect on the role of Santosha - the yogic principle of contentment - and how it can be part of generating more creativity and fluidity in otherwise stuck feeling places. (4.22.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
There's a connection between our hands and what is "up stream" at our neck and chest. Often tension higher up can create symptoms lower down. Unwind tension for a pleasant opening of the neck, shoulders, arms, and hands. (4.21.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2/3 Classes, Teacher: Sahar Yarjani
A warming practice with lots of twists to build heat and release the wetter, colder season. (4.20.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
This class plays with steady movement repetitions to build heat and stability in and around the hips. (4.19.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Monicka Koneski
In this class we tend to our hips and knees to find greater strength, stability, and ease in poses that ask a lot of these areas. We finish with a playful and challenging version of Garudasana/Eagle pose that will leave you soaring! (4.19.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2/3 Classes, Teacher: Kat Kocurek
A thoughtful sequence prepping the body and nervous system for Salamba Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand). Awaken muscles of the deep neck, spine, and core while exploring plenty of options for support in this springtime inversion practice. (4.5.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Connect with the energy of the 2nd chakra - creativity - as we emerge from winter and into spring. This class targets the hip flexors and uses somatic imagery to deeply ground. (3.31.23)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Playful movements pepper this class to embrace the spirit of early spring. Dust off the sediment of winter and emerge into the brightness of the new season. (3.29.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
This class is a very quiet and mellow flow aimed to gently dust the rust off the whole body without exerting too much energy. (3.29.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Kat Kocurek
Tap into the playful spirit of spring with this thoughtful-yet-goofy arm balance class. Plenty of stretching, strength, and foundation-building for an exploration of Bhujapidasana (arm-pressing pose).(4.14.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1/2 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
Slow down and feel into the power and potential of in-between space, even as we build heat and find steadiness in the body. This is a great class for being with many kinds of transitions - seasonal, relational, cultural and others. (3.28.23)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Strengthen your shoulders and back while also enjoying deep hip and leg stretches. This class builds up to a fun pose called Wild Thing, which is backbend and arm balance. The class is a perfect mix of power strength and deep softening. (3.25.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Britt Rhoden
In this backbend focused class we explore supported and active versions of backbends. (3.24.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
This class is a playful yet challenging flow that moves though backbends and twists. A great class when your shoulders are up for a challenge and you low back is feeling up for an adventure. (4.12.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Monicka Koneski
Uncover a deep well of strength and stability through a series of basic, yet very effective, functional movements. Discover how increased access to your core guides you into some familiar yet challenging yoga poses. (4.7.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
This practice is a variation of one that I do when camping. Unlike many studio classes, it starts standing with a full body warm up. From there it moves through a couple variations of sun salutations and eventually winds down to floor work. (4.7.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
This class playfully moves through the body in a variety of ways. No peak pose or anatomical emphasis today, just a joyful, full body wiggle. (3.22.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Monicka Koneski
In this class we will explore how the breath supports lightness, agility, and deep strength through a series of movements which develop strength and stability in the "core" AKA glutes, pelvic floor, abdominal wall, etc. (3.22.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Kat Kocurek
Practice finding extension (aka "back bend") in the upper reaches of your spine. Engage deep supportive muscle chains and move mindfully with your head, neck, and shoulders towards an expansive expression of Urdhva Mukha Svasasana. (3.17.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
This class is a strong and fluid class that uses repetition to build some heat in the body while moving through some shoulder stretches and backbends. (4.5.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
This slow class supports you to unwind tension through somatic movement, yoga asana (postural yoga), and pranayama (energy alignment through breath).(4.4.23)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Connect with the energy of the 2nd chakra - creativity - as we emerge from winter and into spring. This class targets the hip flexors and uses somatic imagery to deeply ground. (4.1.23)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Explore Wild Thing a fun pose that will leave you feeling strong, open, and energized. The pacing is slow with room to breathe and feel. The sequence progresses so the focus pose reveals itself to you without strain or tension. Enjoy! (3.22.23)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Explore your hidden strength without the jaw grinding intensity of a regular workout. Thoughtfully move deeply and unlock the strength you might not know you have. Condition the hips with all the good stuff! (2.25.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
This class starts with some slow subtle chest stretching and then warms up into a toasty flow that includes backbends, twists and quad stretches. (3.15.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
This class combines chest opening stretches, twists, and a few backbends to mobilize the shoulders and upper back. (3.8.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Take an hour to catch up with yourself in this easy going but active class. Create space, breathe deeper, clear your mind. Great for tending to the shoulders and gently opening through the hips. (3.10.23)
All Classes, Teacher: Britt Rhoden, Guided Meditation/Pranayama, 30 Minute Classes
Our steadiness and our capacity for change coexist. Focus on where and how you experience these qualities within your body and through your breath. (3.6.23)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Find strength and steadiness in your hips, breathe into the length of the sides of your body, and deepen into stretches that create lasting space. Explore Half Moon Pose - Ardha Chandrasana - in a creative way. (3.4.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Explore the vast dimensions of the psoas muscles - those long hip flexors that connect the low back to the tops of the legs. Relief deeply held tensions, find grounding, and open up space in your body and breath. (3.3.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
This class explores the connection of the legs to the core through poses that stretch and strengthen the hamstrings. The class includes a bit of shoulder and arm mobility work too for good measure. (3.1.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1/2 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
Wake up intentionally by practicing with eyes closed, exploring the concept of pratyahara (sense withdrawal). Move slowly in familiar movements to notice your experience change with this shift. Great for folks who spend time on screens. (2.28.23)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
Explore the medicine of darkness through pratyahara (sense withdrawal) by practicing with eyes closed. Visit familiar movements and notice how your experience changes with this simple shift. A great class for folks who spend time on screens.(2.27.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Monicka Koneski
In this class we will focus on a slow and steady sequence of movements to connect with and build strength and resiliency in the soft tissue structures that support the low back, hips, and pelvis. (2.22.23)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
Build strength and support in your foundation and at the back of the heart to facilitate a big, yet supported opening through your heart space. A back bending extravaganza. (2.20.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
This class moves slowly and calmly through some rather challenging hip flexor strength and stretching that leads towards bound half moon (Ardha Chandrasana Chapasana) and plays with backbends such as bow pose (dhanurasana). (2.15.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2/3 Classes, Teacher: Kat Kocurek
Prepare your wrists, shoulders, hips, spine, and core for the arm balance Bakasana (crow pose). With plenty of options & progressions, this approachable class is for anyone wanting to explore the biomechanics of Bakasana. (2.15.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1/2 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
Practice receiving support by using the wall, the floor, blocks, blanket, breath, and your own internal strength for a hip opening and strengthening exploration. (2.14.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1/2 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
Create space and strength in the hips as we explore physical balance through non-attachment - what is it like to value the process over the outcome in our practice and beyond? This class involves very little weight-bearing on the wrists. (2.12.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1/2 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
Create space in the body, from the feet all the way up to the neck, to hold all that is true for you at the moment of practice. (2.5.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Functional Strength, Teacher: Britt Rhoden
This class includes a variety of movements to help warm-up your whole body. We even practice Turkish Get-ups! (2.3.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
This class is a combination of stretches and strengthening primarily for the outer hips. A good balance between standing up and laying down with a fair number of twists thrown in for good measure. (2.1.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2/3 Classes, Teacher: Kat Kocurek
Build from a seated series of asana and movement to fun, energetic standing sequences. You'll be challenged to find center and bi-directional length while your limbs and girdles are challenged with twists and crossing midline. (2.1.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Britt Rhoden
This class features an array of asana and movement to help warm-up the entire body. Perfect for chilly mornings! (1.30.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Functional Strength, Teacher: Britt Rhoden
This class workshops the components of a push-up. We discuss range of motion and body tension to develop this fundamental strength skill. (1.27.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
This class starts off with a full body wiggle to warm up as much of the body as possible then transitions to some active stretching for the legs and back. Finishes with some more quiet and restful poses. (1.25.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2/3 Classes, Teacher: Kat Kocurek
Explore a progressive series of twists, rotations, pelvic and spinal alignment, and contralateral rotations in this Align & Flow class. Drop in to awareness, explore subtle movements, and luxuriate in self-guided and self-paced flow. (1.25.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Functional Strength, Teacher: Britt Rhoden
In this class we practice different movements to help us connect with our inner leg line (adductors). (1.20.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
In this class we explore the spine in all the directions: side bends, twists, backbends and forward folds. A great class for when you are feeling stiff and want to invite in some fluidity and do a tad of strength building too. (1.18.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2/3 Classes, Teacher: Kat Kocurek
Practice the art hinging at the hips, overhead range of motion with the arms, feeling into spinal alignment, and activating your core in this 60 minute class that culminates in Ardha Pincha Mayurasana (Dolphin Pose). (1.18.23)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Center your breath and flow through movements to help release tension from your shoulders, neck, and hips. (1.14.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Slow down, breathe deep, move gently. This class allows space for you to catch up - mind to heart, breath to body. Start with mindfulness meditation and build into neck releases, gentle backbends, lunges, side stretches, and twists. (1.13.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Functional Strength, Teacher: Britt Rhoden
This well-rounded class starts with a full body warm-up and 2 circuits. Each circuit has 4 body-weight moves that focus on the hips. We do variations of bridge, side-plank, and push-ups. (1.13.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1/2 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
Build stability and create space in your foundation (feet and ankles!) and explore the balance of stability and ease, even amidst uncertainty and challenge. Use this exploration to move with your own inner compass. (1.10.23)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Use breath, massage, and yoga poses to release deeply held tensions in the body. Start slow and low to the ground and build eventually into more active poses that will open your shoulders and hips. (1.7.23)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
This is a foot focused class where we strengthen and create space through our feet and ankles in order to support lots of standing balance. A full body exploration! (1.9.23)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Lengthen your spine, release tension, and breathe deeper. This class moves through lunges and warrior poses while opening the shoulders and releasing tension from the neck. (1.4.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1/2 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
How can our yoga practice support us to enhance our connections to ourselves and the world around us? We explore this through gentle, steady movement and release through the whole body. (1.3.23)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
This class guides you through luxurious myofascial release of the back body and shoulder and core strengthening to support fluid movement through the spine. It culminates in a short seated meditation, which you can continue after class. (1.2.23)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Functional Strength, Teacher: Britt Rhoden
Come move in fun and interesting ways to help build strength and balance. (12.30.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
A balance of stretching the low back and outer hips with some targeted outer hip and inner thigh strengthening leads up to some nice sturdy pyramid poses (Parsvottanasana) and a fun, playful flow. (12.28.22)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2/3 Classes, Teacher: Kat Kocurek
Challenge your balance and coordination with Lord of the Dance pose. This 75 minute class invites you to explore a series of active movements, restorative shapes, and interoceptive cues to deconstruct (then reconstruct) Natarajasana. (12.28.22)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2/3 Classes, Teacher: Kat Kocurek
Explore a thoughtful progression of spinal mobility, shoulder strength, and deep lunging & squatting. You'll spend time transitioning through and workshopping malasana, utthita parsvakonasana, and uttana shishosana. (12.21.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
This is a pretty straight forward flow class with a whole lot of twists! (12.21.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1/2 Classes, Teacher: Kat Kocurek
Take pause and move playfully with this 60 minute class that features restorative breathing practices and varied expressions of supported backbends. Suitable for all levels, offering plenty of options and progressions. (12.20.22)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Explore warrior poses alongside the theme of embodied conviction. Enjoy a grounding flow of physical postures, a strong connection to your center, and lots of nice tending for the shoulders and hips. (12.17..22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Functional Strength, Teacher: Britt Rhoden
In this class we practice variations of the 6 pillars of strength. (12.16.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1/2 Classes, Teacher: Brianna Brawley
This class is a winter flow designed around Surya Namaskar to invite in warming energy and gently guide the body towards Trikonasana, triangle pose. (12.20.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
This class gently guides toward virabhadrasana 1 (warrior 1) - a posture that calls on strength, clarity and conviction. Along the way we open the shoulders, release tension from the neck, and strengthen and stretch the hips. (12.16.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
This class is a slow and steady hip focused build with variations of figure four and crow pose (no arm balancing versions today). A great class for days when your are feeling stiff and sludgy. (12.14.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
This class moves slowly and steadily into the shoulders and chest. Shoulder mobility exercises and stretching is woven into a grounding flow.(12.7.22)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2/3 Classes, Teacher: Kat Kocurek
Explore familiar asanas with new orientations, unfamiliar boundaries, and warming effort. Utilize props to increase specificity of awareness, counterbalance contained movement with free exploration, and explore prone back bends. (11.30.22)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
Create space in the hips through strong work in the legs and pelvis, and the support of the ground and wall. This is a low to the ground class that builds considerable heat to facilitate luxurious, supported opening. . (12.5.22)
All Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Find opening through the pathway of strength. This class visits strong balances and stretches for the hips to fortify your body and get your energy moving. Slow, steady, strong, and intentional. All the good things! (12.3..22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Functional Strength, Teacher: Britt Rhoden
Movements that support your pelvis. Show this central space of your body some love. (12.2.22)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
Build strength and move energy to release and find space in your back bends. Start with sandbag breathing to orient the nervous system and anchor the breath, make your way to Natarajasana (dancer's pose), and close with deep stretch. (12.12.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
This class tries its hardest to get every part of the body moving with lots of stretchy, luscious poses and room to make the practice your own with minimal instruction. Plenty of chances to choose your own adventure! (11.30.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
This class is a fairly challenging flow that incorporates stretching for the legs and shoulders into repetitive sequencing. There is lots of room to get into your groove!(11.23.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1/2 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
Stabilize and rest into the support of the earth, your own body, and the collective. We’ll find stability through the pelvis and its connection to the rest of the body, even through balance challenge. (11.29.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Functional Strength, Teacher: Britt Rhoden
Come move your body in this no-prop class! (11.18.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Release tension from your shoulders by tending to the neck and upper back. Enjoy some nice hamstring and adductor stretches along the way. (11.18.22)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Free up tension in your chest, shoulders, neck, and spine. A great practice when you need relief!! (11.19.22)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
This is a class for what IS. We'll use the breath as a pathway in to connect with and notice the physical body, energy body & emotional body. Whether you're feeling numb, joyful, sad, angry, or anything else - this is class for you to BE. (11.21.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Functional Strength, Teacher: Britt Rhoden
This full-body class uses sliding (a blanket on a slippery floor) to explore strength and balance. (11.11.22)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Your yoga practice can help restore balance in your daily rhythms and sacred cyclical nature. This class uses backends as a physical metaphor and invites you into harmony. (11.12.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
This class supports the entire spine with a special focus on the upper back and neck. Use breath, forward folds, backbends, and props to find release, length, and balance. (11.14.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
This class is focused on mobilizing the upper back and shoulders. Great for days when it feels like your thoracic spine has turned into cold cement. (11.16.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes
This practice embraces the fall season, as we bring our energy downward toward the hips. Explore gentle opening and strengthening movements that will leave you feeling grounded and settled. (10.31.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1/2 Classes, Teacher: Britt Rhoden
Tune in to the support of your feet in standing postures. This class is focused on grounding and balance. (11.08.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
Get your ankle, knee, hip, wrist, shoulder and spinal joints moving with this brisk flow. A great class to build some heat in the muscles while gently scrubbing at the rusty bits in and around your joints. (11.09.22)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Send your energy down and connect with your deep core in this low-to the ground practice. At the time of this class, we were transitioning into fall, but it's a great practice anytime you need to come back to yourself and center. (10.29.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Your deep core and pelvic core create a ground for the rest of your body to root into. This practice nurtures this space and as a result you will feel balanced, steady, and connected. (10.28.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Functional Strength, Teacher: Britt Rhoden
This class is full of movements focused on the posterior chain (back body). Lots of props and lots of fun! (11.04.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
A steady flow to get the entire body moving. A well rounded class that moves through many different shapes and body parts. (11.02.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Functional Strength, Teacher: Britt Rhoden
Explore how compression movement can inform your single-leg squat variations. Lots of options! (10.21.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
A great class for when you've been cold and hunched over a desk all day. We do a brisk, warming flow with some shoulder and chest stretching and even some backbends. (10.26.22)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
Get support to follow your inner compass and release tension through the whole body. End with a luxurious neck release with the support of a chair and yoga strap or scarf. (10.20.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Britt Rhoden
Come explore some creative movements that focus on creating support and space in the hips. End with different variations of Eka Pada Rajakapotasana (One-legged Royal Pigeon Pose) (10.24.22)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
In this class we create lots of space in the side-body, back, and hips while progressing into various forms of side plank. (10.15.22)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
Ground through hips + feet to create space and release tension through the whole body (10.10.22)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Create space and stretch out your back with deep side bends. Work on the skills to build into side plank and play with variations with and without props. (10.12.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1/2 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
Create space and movement in the spine through this slow and gentle class. (10.11.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
A soft and steady flow with some emphasis on some gentle backbends, front of the chest and shoulder stretching and some quad stretches too. (10.5.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Functional Strength, Teacher: Britt Rhoden
Spend the majority of class on warm-up movements that focus on range of motion and strength in the shoulders and hips. Building up to a few shoulder/hip complex movements that are fun and challenging. (9.30.22)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Ebb and flow between grounding through surrender and grounding through active rooting. Enjoy a mix of deep relaxation and playful challenge with rolling in and out of boat pose, springing up into handstand, and playing with king pigeon. (10.1.22)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Create physical & energetic space to more fully receive nourishment. This strong class explores variations of Hanumanasana where we stretch intensely through the legs (the splits!) while opening the heart space. End with a long meditation. (9.24.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
A brisk and challenging flow to strengthen and stretch the side body and to integrate the limbs into the torso through core strengthening. We will play with some variations of half moon (arch chandrasana). (9.28.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1/2 Classes, Teacher: Britt Rhoden
Start with a long warm up and explore range of motion in your shoulders through a combination of active and passive movement and stretches. (9.27.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
A mid-week invitation to the chest, upper back and shoulders to move, stretch, twist and build some strength. Great for days when your upper body feels like all you've been doing is sitting over the computer or at a counter or in a car. (9.21.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Create space to take in the nourishment for that which you are thankful for. Shake out tensions, soothe the nervous system, and sink into the embodiment of gratitude. (9.23.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1/2 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
In many physical yoga postures, our wrists bear a lot of body weight. In this class, we'll practice sharing that work with the rest of our bodies by building heat in our abs and side body. A great class for folks with wrist pain or fatigue. (9.13.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Tend to your feet and release tension from your entire body! Start seated in a chair with gentle leg and hip stretches and makes your way into lunges and side stretches. The focus remains on the feet but the whole body gets love! (9.16.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Functional Strength, Teacher: Britt Rhoden
This class is full of fun, full-body movement to help you explore how to move more dynamically. These movements offer us an opportunity to improve our strength and balance. (9.2.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
This class gently releases tension from the spine as a way to increase general wellbeing through your whole body. We move, breath, and rest deeply together to harmonize and find balance. Enjoy! (9.2.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1/2 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
A full body practice to release tension. We'll open the hips, legs, neck, shoulders, and lungs through gentle movement and deep breath. (8.30.22)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
This grounding class focuses on deep rest. Start & end with restorative yoga poses that invite you into stillness. Slowly open the spine with gentle movement and gradually move into deeper stretches. Enjoy the spaciousness & release. (9.3.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
A steady flow combining hip strength, mobility and stretching. (9.14.22)
All Classes, 90 Minute Classes, Yoga 2/3 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
This class explores how to find rest even when we exert effort. Practice taking the rushy-rush out of the breath & lean into spaciousness. Unwind the urgency & learn what it means to invite qualities of rest into this strong asana practice. (9.4.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
A steady flow class aimed to get as much of the body moving possible in one hour. (8.17.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Functional Strength, Teacher: Britt Rhoden
Explore a variety of shoulder movements focused on active range of motion and strength. (8.26.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Functional Strength, Teacher: Britt Rhoden
Use fine-tuned movements to engage your hip range of motion and activate your outer hip support system! (8.19.22)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Explore tree pose lying down, standing up, and in side plank. Along the way build core strength and hip mobility. This class will take you deep and leave you satisfied! (8.13.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
This practice is perfect for when you want to sink in and go slow. Take your time to deepen your breath as you slowly move from grounding legs up the wall pose to lunges and back down again to figure four and deep twists. (8.26.22)
All Classes, 90 Minute Classes, Yoga 2/3 Classes, Teacher: Danielle Jones
Engage in an evenly paced class, building up to firefly pose (tittibhasana) with several variation options. End with 15 minutes of expansive rest. (8.28.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Explore your sense of self by way of connecting to the hips - specifically the region that is said to hold the second chakra. This class utilizes mindfulness, gentle movements, and light strengthening. (8.19.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2/3 Classes, Teacher: Britt Rhoden
This class offers strength and mobility focused on overhead shoulder movement. (8.25.22)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
A slow moving strength based class that will leave you grounded and focused. (8.20.22)
All Classes, 90 Minute Classes, Yoga 2/3 Classes, Teacher: Danielle Jones
Engaging in self massage, plenty of warm ups and preparation, you'll build skill and awareness to release into half lotus pose. This class is for the discerning practitioner that moves into space with curiosity rather than forcing an ideal. (8.21.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Functional Strength, Teacher: Britt Rhoden
Move through two circuits that incorporate compression style movements. (8.5.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
A slow-moving class that explores the nuances of the hip joints. Discover strength and mobility in this often sticky place. Play with lying down and standing variations of tree pose. (8.12.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1/2 Classes, Teacher: Britt Rhoden
Explore the shape of your lungs and sensation of your breath using supported postures and movement. At the end we practice using the breath to be present with our emotional body. (7.31.22)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Feel into the nuances of your sacrum. Explore how bringing curiosity, precision, and play into this area creates physical and energetic shifts giving way to balance, steadiness, and ease. (7.23.22)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Restore & Release Classes, Teacher: Sahar Yarjani
Unwind with a slow and cooling restorative practice, moving nice and slow and allowing our body to fully release into longer holds for a restful summer evening practice. (7.27.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Functional Strength, Teacher: Britt Rhoden
Straight-forward strength routine featuring 6 different fundamentals of strength. (7.29.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1/2 Classes, Teacher: Khushi Malhotra
This class brings awareness to the interlocking qualities of movement within stillness, and stillness within movement. A wonderful way to awaken at any point in your day and feel the presence of your inner Self with you. (7.26.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
This class alternates between self massage using a ball and flow sequences to get the body moving. Could be a great class for when you're feeling a little extra stiff and stagnant. (7.27.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
A whole lot of twists; active twisting and core strengthening, passive twisting and stretching the hips, twists to stretch the shoulders, twists to challenge the balance. (7.20.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1/2 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
Hip and chest opening, twists and sama vritti pranyama support you to find presence and joy in your practice. (7.19.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
Open hips, strengthen legs, and create space in your shoulders and chest for overall good feels. We weave sama vritti pranayama throughout the practice to help us stay present and orient to our joy in the practice. (7.18.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Functional Strength, Teacher: Britt Rhoden
Explore how stability helps with coordination in dynamic movements. Lots of bouncy, playful movement. (7.8.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
Stretching and strengthening for the chest, shoulders and side body. Working with variations of side plank (Vasisthasana), camel pose (Ustrasana) and lots of side bending for the spine. (7.6.22)
All Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé, 45 Minute Classes
A short, but well-rounded practice with lots of standing postures, lunges, and shoulder openers. (7.11.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
A meditative deep dive into the felt-sense of the pelvis - specifically the sacrum. Working with gentle movement, strength exercises, imagery and breath to connect and release tension. (7.22.22)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Deepen awareness of the "key stone" of the body, the sacrum, which lives at the back of the pelvis, and transforms the forces that move up and down the body. Take a deep dive and build strength in this central point of the body. (7.16.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
This is a grounding class with lots of energizing hip and chest opening. Plus bonus cooling, water imagery for hot summer days. (7.11.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Functional Strength, Teacher: Britt Rhoden
Use a chair to explore range of motion in your hips and shoulders. We'll do some fun hopping and bouncing too! (7.15.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1/2 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
This class invites earth and water elements into our practice to support a sense of grounding and spaciousness. We'll open the hips and shoulders through energizing back bends, and end with three restorative postures. (7.12.22)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Find balance in strength and stretch, expanse and contract, inhale and exhale in this well rounded class. Your hips and shoulders will thank you too! (7.9.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
A practice that draws on the power of rocking, stretching, strengthening to release tension and enliven the body. We sprinkle some fun practices in like warrior 3, hip openers, and neck releases. (7.8.22)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Restore & Release Classes, Teacher: Sahar Yarjani
This slow and restful practice will incorporate Yin and Restorative poses, focusing on opening the heart and shoulders, with some hip opening to end the practice. (6.29.22)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Restore & Release Classes, Teacher: Sahar Yarjani
This slow-paced class will incorporate Yin & Restorative poses (longer holds) as well as gentle stretches, focusing on opening the heart and shoulders. Practice is entirely on the ground and slow and gentle to help the body release tension. (7.13.22)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 1/2 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
A fully bodied practice to build strength and spaciousness in times of change. (6.22.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
Strength and stability for the whole body. Some emphasis on the inner and outer legs and a fun and wobbly version of tree pose (Vrikshasana). (6.29.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
Open hips and shoulders to find grounding and spaciousness as we transition into summer. Bonus foot tending as well! (6.20.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
A fairly slow paces class focused on some smaller backbends, quad/front of the leg stretching, and lots of shoulder movement all leading to us to a version of Dancer Pose (Natarajasana) and Bow Pose (Dhanurasana). (7.13.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Functional Strength, Teacher: Britt Rhoden
Come explore balance, bounciness and your glutes in this playful class. (7.1.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2/3 Classes, Teacher: Sahar Yarjani
Wring it out with this active practice incorporating various twists, both on the mat and standing, growing taller and finding deeper release. (6.30.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1/2 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
Lots of neck strengthening and shoulder opening towards gomukhasana (cow face) arm posture. We’ll use this support to create flow through the spine and melt constriction in the throat chakra. (6.28.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
A slow to steady paced flow focused on giving the front of the chest and shoulders some nice big stretches, the core a little strength and the spine a few twists. (6.22.22)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Restore & Release Classes, Teacher: Sahar Yarjani
Unwind and release after a long day with this very slow practice, opening the hips, shoulders, and heart, and some attention to our feet. A great practice to end the day and get ready for bed. (6.15.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Functional Strength, Teacher: Britt Rhoden
Start with a warm-up followed by 2 circuits. Each circuit includes 4 different full-body movements to help you connect with your core in fun and creative ways. (6.17.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Linnea Solveig
A vigorous class that explores the front and back of the chest and shoulders which leads to variations of Garudasana (eagle) arms and lots of stretching for the quads which leads to a variation of Natarajasana (dancer) pose. (6.15.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
Full body warming and release. Engage your hips and open through your shoulders as we warm up the whole body and then flow through two versions of Chandra Namaskar, or moon salutation. (6.13.22)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Get into the nitty gritty of your shoulders as a way to find strength and space to release tension through your upper back, shoulders, and neck. Move toward Dolphin pose while cultivating the felt sense of radical systemic change. (6.25.22)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Move gradually into variations of twists while cultivating balance and strength. Open the hips along the way. (6.23.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Functional Strength, Teacher: Britt Rhoden
Start with a warm-up, then run through two different circuits. Each circuit includes 4 full-body movements that focus on coordination and playfulness! (6.10.22)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Zeyah Alicia Rogé
Align your neck and tend to your shoulders so that you can reset your posture, breathe deeper, and melt the stress away. (6.23.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1/2 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
This is a warm and playful class, with lots of space to explore and go slow (6.14..22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 1/2 Classes, Teacher: Britt Rhoden
Use imagery, movement, and self-massage to explore your pelvis and lower back. (6.7.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, Teacher: Tara Sonali Miller
A strong practice to draw yourself inward (6.6.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Functional Strength, Teacher: Britt Rhoden
Start with a full-body warm-up then cycle through two different circuits focused on fun full-body movement. (6.3.22)
All Classes, 60 Minute Classes, Yoga 2/3 Classes, Teacher: Sahar Yarjani
This active practice will have some releasing the stickiness and ickiness that comes with all that's happening around us, using intentional deep breathing and active standing movements to get physical release and let things go. (5.26.22)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes, Restore & Release Classes, Teacher: Sahar Yarjani
This slow restorative practice will focus on our shoulders and opening the heart, as well as unwinding our body with some twists. We'll have gentle stretches, Yin, and Restorative yoga poses. Props are highly encouraged. (6.1.22)
All Classes, 75 Minute Classes
Connect with the support of the ground and wake up your feet. A nice full body class with lunges and twists. (6.4.22)
All Classes, Yoga 2 Classes, 45 Minute Classes, Teacher: Rach Junard
Invigorating flow with a nice buildup. (5.30.22)