Monthly Unlimited Access: Just $18/mo to access the full library
1016 Courses$18/mo Unlimited Access to our library our 550+ real-life yoga classes
$18 / month
Mat Pilates w/ Sahar, 1hr, Heat for a Cold Day (1.20.25)
Mat Pilates class focused on legs and glutes, and abdominals. We got squats, side lying work and core work.
Mat Pilates w/ Sahar, 1hr, They're the Classics for a Reason (1.13.25)
Full body mat Pilates class with a lot the traditional moves or classic favorites!
Yoga 2 w/ Alexis, 1hr, Happy Hips (1.6.25)
A class to ease into the day and open the hips. This practice is especially supportive for those that sit and work at a desk.
Yoga 1 w/ Catherine, 1hr, Slow & Steady - A Smooth Winter Flow (1.9.25)
This smooth flow is a slow experience for warming the body, mind and spirit in the cold of winter. Targeting the hips, lungs and spine, it's a wonderful flow to check in, warm and loosen the hips and practice emotional awareness and release.
Mat Pilates w/ Sahar, 1hr, All the Itty Bitty Muscles (1.6.25)
Mat Pilates class with emphasis on deeper abdominals and obliques, as well as glutes and legs.