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924 Courses$18/mo Unlimited Access to our library our 550+ real-life yoga classes
$18 / month
Yoga 1/2 w/ Tara, 75min, A Twist-full Practice Inspired by Ursula K. Le Guin (2.16.25)
Build heat and create space through breath, slowing down, and exploring the edge's of possibility. Inspired by Ursula K. Le Guin's quote about finding/building new worlds (see below).
Yoga 2 w/ Linnea, 1hr, Snow Day Wiggle (2.14.25)
Brush off the snow and knock off the icicles in this simple, steady flow. A little shoulders, a little hips and a lot of big sighs!
Yoga 1 w/ Zeyah, 1hr, Low Back and Hip Tending (2.14.25)
Take the rush out of your movements, soften into spaciousness and gently strengthen.
Stronger After Baby w/ Qian, 1hr, Self-Massage for Hands/Wrists, Low Back Release (2.13.25)
Works on massage to decrease pain in your hands and wrists. Foam rolling and stretching to relieve low back pain.
Yoga 2 w/ Zeyah, 1hr, Self Loving Heart Opening (2.12.25)
A backbend class that takes time to pause and receive. Play with nourishing expansive expressions that give back as much as they put out. Lots of spinal opening, hip, and chest opening with a touch of balance challenge.