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$18 / month
Yoga 1/2 w/ Tara, 75min, Hips, Shoulders, a Practice of Devotion (1.26.25)
Inspired by a reflection from Yoga Teacher Training and the quote on the studio wall, this class explores the practice of devotion through yoga, using the qualities of steadiness and ease in the body. Build strength, ease tension, expand breath.
Yoga 1 w/ Elayna, 1hr, Twisting and Breathing- a Moment to Pause (1.29.25)
A sweet 1 hour gentle yoga practice to get you connected to your breath, and into your body. We explore the diaphragm, the pelvis and hips in depth and move the whole body.
Yoga 1 w/ Zeyah, 1hr, Spine Focus (1.31.25)
The spine is a metaphor for transitions and the qualities needed to navigate them. In this practice connect with fluid and grounding nature of the spine.
Yoga 2 w/ Zeyah, 75min, The Spine as a Metaphor for Transition (2.1.25)
Learn about your spine, feel into its movements, and reflect on the lessons of the spine in regards to transition. This class is a slower paced level 2 class with lots of space to feel and breathe.
Yoga 1 w/ Zeyah, 1hr, Breathing Life into Ourselves During Hard Times (1.24.25)
This gentle class guides you toward yourself. With deep breaths and intuitive movement you'll de-thaw from fear, stress, and grief and find a soft opening.