Yoga 1/2 w / Ceci, 75min. Full Moon Energy
Drawing inspiration from the full moon energy, we will embody a sense of fullness and illumination through circular, creative, and expansive yoga asana and mindful movement. (12/22/21)
10-Class Library Sampler
8 CoursesThis curated group of classes introduces you to many of the teachers and various kinds of practices that are available in our Pre-Recorded Class Library. By purchasing this bundle you get 10% the normal cost of these classes. Access for 40 days.
Morning Sun Salutations w/ Ceci, 45 mins. Rise and shine in this invigorating morning practice to get your day started with beauty and ease. (1/27/21)
5.0 average rating (3 reviews)$3
4-Part Wellness Series for Educators and School Administrators 2020 with Ceci Orozco
Yoga 1/2 w/ Ceci, 75 mins: Explore a gentle and juicy hip opener at the wall and remember your body’s innate resiliency. Challenge your balance as we make our way to figure four chair pose. (9/2/20)
Yoga 2 w/ Ceci, 75 mins: Focus on moving the energy of the mind down to the earth, allowing you to give the intellectual mind a break and to get down into your heart. Restorative yoga poses await you at the end! (7/23/20)
5.0 average rating (1 review)$3