Yoga 2 w/ Zeyah, 75min, The Spine as a Metaphor for Transition (2.1.25)
Learn about your spine, feel into its movements, and reflect on the lessons of the spine in regards to transition. This class is a slower paced level 2 class with lots of space to feel and breathe.
Yoga 2 w/ Zeyah, 75min, Neck, Low Back, and Breath - Doesn't Get Better Than That! (1.25.25)
In this class we had requests for all the big hubs of the body. Plenty of conditioning, mindfulness, and self massage for these potent areas of the body. Leave feeling refreshed!
Yoga 2 w/ Alexis, 1hr, Happy Hips (1.6.25)
A class to ease into the day and open the hips. This practice is especially supportive for those that sit and work at a desk.
Yoga 2 w/ Tara, 75min, Embodied Spaciousness- Bird of Paradise Exploration (12.16.24)
Practice taking up space in your body inspired by the fullness of the moon. Strong leg and hip focused practice plus heart and shoulder opening to svarga dvijasana, bird of paradise
Yoga 2 w/ Zeyah, 75min, Drop In, Breathe Deep (12.7.24)
This class is all about slowing down to feel, expand, and move with the breath. Open the shoulders, release the spine. A great one for when you’re feeling like you need a little extra tenderness but also want to move some.
Yoga 2 w/ Zeyah, 1hr, Space to Breathe (12.4.24)
Make space to breathe deeper in this slow moving flowing class. Enjoy a combination of somatic exercises, yoga asana, and meditation.