Mat Pilates w/ Sahar, 1hr, Lengthen and Engage (12.9.24)
Enjoy an invigorating mat Pilates class working on finding length in our back body and side body and engagement through our center.
Mat Pilates w/ Sahar, 1hr, Limber Spine Mat Pilates (11.25.24)
Enjoy an energizing full body mat Pilates class, with emphasis on spine articulation and finding flexion and extension for a yummy limber body.
Yoga 1/2 w/ Sahar, 1hr, Open up and unwind
A slow practice to open the heart and release the shoulders, leaving a little taller and rooted into our being. (5.18.23)
Yoga 2/3 w/ Sahar, 1hr, Yummy Hip Opening Flow
We'll start and end supine opening the hips, with a flowy standing practice to lengthen and give those hips some more love. (5.4.23)
Restore and Release w/ Sahar, 75min, Lengthen and Release
Enjoy slow gentle movements, lengthening the side body and limbs, and longer Yin holds to open the hips for a full body release. (5.3.23)
Yoga 2/3 w/ Sahar, 1hr, Warming, Hip Opening Active Practice
We'll start supine with longer stretches to warm the body up for more active asanas, opening the hips and lengthening the body. (4.27.23)