Course Description

Britt Rhoden
My yoga journey started at age 17. As my body and soul change and shift
with the ebbs and flows of life's tides, yoga is the compass that gently
guides me into new territory. Now, more than ever before, yoga is the
way I show respect for the beauty of life and the energy of the earth.
Yoga is where I play and explore; it's where I find a sense of being
grounded and a sense of stillness. I want to meet all students with
authenticity, giving them space to explore their own practice. I am a
class of 2015 graduate of The Bhaktishop's 200 Hour Program.
Course curriculum
Opening your front body in supported heart-opening shapes. Feel good movement for anyone who has been stuck inside sitting

About this course
- $3.00
- 1 lesson
- 1 hour of video content
$18.00 / month
Monthly Unlimited Access: Just $18/mo to access the full library
Pricing options
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Regular price
Single Class