Yoga Foundations 1 w/ Monicka, 1 hr. A friendly introduction to some of the bigger belly-down backbending shapes, explore Cobra Pose and Upward Facing Dog at the foundations level with lots of room for ease and modifications. (2/3/21)
5.0 average rating (3 reviews)$3
Four part Series: Somatic Tools for Resourcing Your Nervous System, January 2021 with Kate Busby
Four-part Winter Grounding & Root Chakra Series for BIPOC folks with Tara Sonali Miller
Yoga 2 w/ Maneena, 1 hr. This class assists with orienting to the ground while engaging and releasing, features warrior poses and pigeon. (2/1/21)
Yoga 2/3 w/ Linnea, 90 mins. This fluid and satisfying class is all about moving around in all the directions, just like yourself. Lots of imagery and room to move intuitively and get the kinks out. (1/31/21)
5.0 average rating (1 review)$3
Yoga 2 w/ Lisa Mae, 90 mins. #2 in the "pulled hamstring" series, explore shoulder, twisting and hip shapes that won't harass your hamstrings. Plus, 10-min pep talk & Gita teaching to help source your inner light. (1/30/21)