Yoga 2 w/ Lisa Mae, 90 mins. Wheee! Handstand preps and play, with lots of focus on unsticking shoulders and necks to refresh the entry points to the pose and broaden perspectives in real life. (2/20/21)
Yoga 1/2 w/ Linnea, 75 mins. Let's practice a big lotta twisting! We'll build strength around twists and exploring revolved utkatasana, awkward pose. (2/18/21)
Yoga 2/3 w/ Linnea, 90 mins. A big party for the hips! Lots of different kinds of squatting, stretches and wiggly movements. Also a lot of repetition and heat building because it's cold! (2/14/21)
5.0 average rating (1 review)$3
Nervous System Reset w/ Kate, 30 mins. This winter weather inspired class offers three practices that can help with experiences of dissociation and the freeze response. No props required but a warm blanket and cozy socks recommended. (2/15/21)
5.0 average rating (1 review)$3
Six-part Functional Strength Series January 2021, with Monicka and Britt
Yoga 2 w/ Lisa Mae, 90 mins. A holistic, all-around, move-all-the-things movement practice to help you get unstuck. Hips, standing poses and grounding squats. Yay! (2/13/21)
5.0 average rating (2 reviews)$3