Morning Hatha w/ Tara, 1 hr. A gentle and accessible morning wakeup practice designed to help you feel organized and calm as you settle into your day. All levels. (1/21/21)
Functional Strength w/ Britt, 1 hr. Get your body moving in this playful class! We'll glide around on the floor, do some fun step-sequences and even play a little catch. You'll need a ball and a strap and a smile! (1/22/21)
Yin w/ Sahar, 75 mins. This yin practice helps settle the mind and body with a deep stretch into your legs and hips. (1/20/21)
Yin with Sahar, 75 mins. Nourish yourself in all ways in this quiet, relaxing yin practice. (1/13/21)
5.0 average rating (1 review)$3
Yoga 2 w/ Kat, 1 hr. Wake up your neck, chest, and shoulders in this Purvottanasana practice designed to help your neck feel integrated, strong and organized. (1/15/21)
Yoga 2 w/ Monicka, 1 hr. Toward Camel pose with ease, take time for exploratory movement & feel into the shapes w/ refinements focusing on the shoulder girdle, upper back, and chest to make "backbending" shapes more balanced. (1/12/21)
5.0 average rating (5 reviews)$3