Course Description
Are you looking for support to find grounding within your body and the earth during this Winter season? To find deeper connection with yourself, the world, your ancestors/guides and your community? Are you feeling stuck or experiencing stagnant energy in any part of your body or life? This series provides structure and space to nourish your root(s) and move energy through exploration of the earth element. This series is for folks that self-identify as Black, Indigenous, or a Person of Color only.
We’ll use yoga asana (postures), breath, and creative movement practices to cultivate a sense of earthiness and stability that can help us work with the seasonal cues of hibernation and letting go. The practices will also support you in building capacity to honor your own time and boundaries amidst white supremacist, racist, capitalist, colonial, and patriarchal systems as we move through and beyond the Winter season. Through this exploration of the root, we’ll practice going inward even as we feel into our inherent capacity and desire for interdependence with each other and with the earth. Tools used: blocks/hand supports, belt/strap/scarf/towel, blanket, bolster/cushion/extra blankets.
Course curriculum
Winter Grounding Series #1 Tara 1:11:21
Winter Grounding Series Class #2 1:17:21
Winter Grounding Series Class #3 1:24:21
Winter Grounding Series #4 (1:31:21)

About this course
- $25.00
- 4 lessons
- 5.5 hours of video content