Restore & Release w/ Tara, 75min. Boundaries + upper back release
This is a great class for when you're feeling scattered about or porous in your boundaries. We'll feel into our body boundaries with special attention to fascial release in the upper back.
Guided Meditation w/ Tara, 15min. Embracing Darkness
Connect and soften into the support of the earth and your breath in this guided meditation.
Yoga 1/2 w/ Tara, 1hr. Root to rise in a slow, steady build towards Virabhadrasana 1
Sense into your roots and explore what freedom is possible when you stay connected, rooted, to the earth? This class supports integration of upper and lower body through the pelvis and torso.
Gentle Yoga: Restore & Renew w/ Tara, 75 min, Embrace Darkness to Support Presence
Start with a few minutes of intentional breath, spend 40ish minutes in gentle, mostly low to the ground or seated in a chair movement, and close with 20 minutes of restorative postures to facilitate presence and being with what is.
Yoga 1/2 w/ Tara, 1hr, Here’s a class for rebalancing energy in the body and soothing a busy mind. (11/9/21)
Yoga 1/2 w/ Tara, 1 hr, Here’s a class for rebalancing energy in the body and soothing a busy mind. (11/9/21)
10-Class Library Sampler
10 CoursesThis curated group of classes introduces you to many of the teachers and various kinds of practices that are available in our Pre-Recorded Class Library. By purchasing this bundle you get 10% the normal cost of these classes. Access for 40 days.