Accessible Yoga w/Kat, 75min, Slow and Steady Springtime Yoga
Feel your connection to breath and ground in this accessible yoga class - explore supported twists, forward folds, hip and shoulder mobility from the chair, from your feet, and from the floor. Plenty of options, lots of spaciousness. (5.4.23)
Restore and Release w/ Sahar, 75min, Lengthen and Release
Enjoy slow gentle movements, lengthening the side body and limbs, and longer Yin holds to open the hips for a full body release. (5.3.23)
Yoga 2 w/ Linnea, 1hr, Strengthen your jazz hands!
This class is a slower paced flow peppered with A LOT of hand, wrist and forearm strengthening and stretching. (5.3.23)
Yoga 1/2 w/Kat, 1hr, Heart Openers and Uprising Strength
This class offers softening, expansive movement and breath to help you explore heart openers and cultivate strength and connection for supported back bending. We end with an exploration of camel pose (ustrasana) and supported supine twists. (5.2.23)
Yoga 2 w/ Tara, 75min, NOURISH
NOURISH 5.1.23
Yoga 2/3 w/Kat, 1hr, Spring Energy Flow
Get out all the wiggles, inviting your body, mind, and spirit into a playful concert of heart-openers, twists, and upside-down shapes. Find your sense of self and ground to tap the energy of this spring season. (4.26.23)