Nervous System Reset w/ Kate, 30 mins: This practice is helpful when you’re feeling alone, depleted or hopeless. It nourishes the ventral vagus to facilitate a deeper felt sense of support using invocation, imagery and imagination. (8/31/20)
Yoga 1/2 w/ Ceci, 75 mins: Explore a gentle and juicy hip opener at the wall and remember your body’s innate resiliency. Challenge your balance as we make our way to figure four chair pose. (9/2/20)
Yoga 2 w/ Kat, 1 hr. This core-enabled, hip-focused, heart-opening practice draws you towards bound dhanurasana (bow pose) with strength and grace. (9/4/20)
5.0 average rating (1 review)$3
Yoga 2 w/ Lisa Mae, 90 mins. HANDSTANDS! Reclaim your playful, joyful pillar of strength in this fun but challenging preparatory journey toward changing your perspective. Lots of options to not invert, too. You deserve to be joyful! (9/5/20)
Functional Strength w/ Britt, 1 hr. Reconnect with your body in this well-rounded class. Refine your balance and awareness skills through playful movements, with a good chunk of time on the floor using minimal props. (8/17/20)
5.0 average rating (3 reviews)$3
Yoga 2/3 w/ Linnea, 90 mins. This sloooow moving class is a perfect way to honor the HOT weather! Lots of back of the leg stretching and self massage to cool and quiet the body. (8/16/20)
5.0 average rating (2 reviews)$3