Yoga 1/2 w/ Tara, 1 hr. Explore equinox energy through this steady, grounding class with movement for hip and core strengthening, chest opening and focused breathwork. (3/28/21)
Yoga 1/2 w/ Tara, 75 mins. Explore equinox energy through this steady, grounding class with movement for hip and core strengthening, chest opening and focused breathwork. (3/28/21)
Yoga 2/3 with Linnea, 90 mins. This class features a ton of opening for the front of the chest and a fair amount of twisting for a brighter, more spacious breathing body. (3/28/21)
Yoga 2/3 with Linnea, 90 mins. This class features a ton of opening for the front of the chest and a fair amount of twisting for a brighter, more spacious breathing body. (3/28/21)
Yoga 2 w/ Lisa Mae, 90 mins. Use all your senses to find the balance between effort and ease, while you stretch quads and chest and release the psoas. (3/27/21)
5.0 average rating (1 review)Yoga 2 w/ Lisa Mae, 90 mins. Use all your senses to find the balance between effort and ease, while you stretch quads and chest and release the psoas. (3/27/21)
Yoga 2 w/ Kat, 75 mins. Thoughtful spinal articulation and varied twisting to feel the inner landscape and explore your edges in parivrtta parsvakonasana/revolved side angle. 3/25/21)
Yoga 2 w/ Kat, 75 mins. Thoughtful spinal articulation and varied twisting to feel the inner landscape and explore your edges in parivrtta parsvakonasana/revolved side angle. (3/25/21)
Nervous System Reset w/ Kate, 30 mins. This Equinox reset practice mirrors the energy of spring, it mobilizes vital energy while also supporting its consolidation. No special props, just space to both move and rest. (3/22/21)
Nervous System Reset w/ Kate, 30 mins. This Equinox reset practice mirrors the energy of spring, it mobilizes vital energy while also supporting its consolidation. No special props, just space to both move and rest. (3/22/21)
Yoga 2 w/ Maneena, 1 hr. A sweet class for Spring and twisting from a grounded place, featuring warrior poses and somatic awareness. (3/22/21)
Yoga 2 w/ Maneena, 1 hr. A sweet class for Spring and twisting from a grounded place, featuring warrior poses and somatic awareness. (3/22/21)