Yin w/ Sahar 75min. Winter Yin
Winter Yin practice, focusing on deeper twists and warming releases All levels; all props optional
Yoga 1/2 w/ Sahar 1hr. Wake up your legs and hips
A warming practice focusing on leg work and opening up the hips. A nice mix of deep stretches, strengthening, and balancing postures.
Functional Strength w/ Sahar, 1hr. Pilates-inspired floor practice to strengthen, stretch, and align
A level 2/3 class utilizing basic mat Pilates techniques, along with deeper stretches and rest poses in between, for an invigorating practice
Yoga 1 w/ Zeyah, 1hr. Individual and Collective Tending (11.12.21)
This class invites the marginalized parts of our bodies back into the flow. Focusing on segmental and subtle spinal mobility.
Yoga 2 w/ Sahar, 1hr. Release stagnant energy and wake up the body (11.22.21)
Start your week and day with a slower, twisty flow - Release stagnant energy and wake up the body with this level 2 sequence, incorporating deeper twists and side body stretches
Satya, Svadhyaya, Sangha