Yoga 2 w/ Tara, 75min, Be Like Water: Hips and Hamstrings
Call in the element of water to build stability in your hips and facilitate flow through your pelvis - the connector between your legs and your spine. This is a great hip strengthening and opening flow to tend to your hamstrings. (8.14.23)
Yoga 1/2 w/ Tara, 75min, Foot, ankle, knee, hip love
For anyone working on ankle stability, and/or with foot, knee, hip, or low back pain. Building from the foundation we cultivate mobility, stability, and ease, to nourish ourselves and tune in to the yogic concept santosha (contentment). (8.6.23)
Yoga 1/2 w/ Tara, 75min, Yoga for Grounding and Spaciousness
In this class, we explore the qualities of sthira and sukha, stability and good space. Strengthen the back body to open the front body and facilitate flow. (6.25.23)
Yoga 2 w/ Tara, 75min, Open Hips and Shoulders
Unwind tension and tap into the flow of energy within and around you. Somatic hip opening, standing balance, shoulder strength and opening, culminating in Gomukhasana, cow face pose. (6.5.23)
Yoga 1/2 w/ Tara, 75min, Full Body Practice for Deep Embodied Listening
Inspired by the moon, this Hatha yoga practice uses breath and movement to invoke lunar qualities of intuition, feeling, and BEING. We'll engage and release tension through the whole body with special focus on back body opening. (6.4.23)
Yoga 1 w/ Tara, 75min, CENTER
Explore physical balance, get present to your own embodied experience, and find your center. This slow and strengthening class brings special attention to the feet and hips as a portal to feel the aliveness of your whole body. (5.28.23)