Prenatal Yoga w/ Shana, 1 hr: Class #9 (5/12/20)
Restorative Yoga, Meditation and Pranayama w/ Danielle, 1 hr: A soothing, quiet, restful guided practice for your anxious mind (5/11/20)
Aging, Accessible Yoga & Movement w/ Michael, 75 mins: Strengthen, balance and stretch in a supportive and healthy class (5/14/20)
Nervous System Reset w/ Kate, 1 hr: Resource your nervous system using the sense of sight, learning different tools to help our orientation system assess our environment, bringing us more deeply into the "here and now." (5/11/20)
Yoga Foundations 1 w/ Ceci, 1 hr: Part 1 of a series focusing on foundations. Explore breath, gentle movement, and a strong base of support for a playful, well-balanced exploration of standing poses. (5/9/20)
5.0 average rating (3 reviews)$3
Yoga 2 w/ Monicka, 75 mins: Cultivate awareness and release tension for a broad, expanded upper torso and wingspan. Utilize some functional movement & yoga asana to build a light, supported variation of side plank. (5/11/20)
5.0 average rating (2 reviews)$3