Yoga 1/2 w/ Tara, 1hr, Hips, Curiosity, and Non-attachment - a wrist-light class
Create space and strength in the hips as we explore physical balance through non-attachment - what is it like to value the process over the outcome in our practice and beyond? This class involves very little weight-bearing on the wrists. (2.12.23)
Yoga 1/2 w/ Tara, 1hr, Chandra Namaskar - Moon Salutation
Create space in the body, from the feet all the way up to the neck, to hold all that is true for you at the moment of practice. (2.5.23)
Functional Strength w/ Britt, 1hr, Full Body Strength
This class includes a variety of movements to help warm-up your whole body. We even practice Turkish Get-ups! (2.3.23)
Yoga 2 w/ Linnea, 1hr. Get down (and up) with the hips!
This class is a combination of stretches and strengthening primarily for the outer hips. A good balance between standing up and laying down with a fair number of twists thrown in for good measure. (2.1.23)
Yoga 2/3 w/Kat, 1hr, Stacking and Rotations: Crossing midline to find center
Build from a seated series of asana and movement to fun, energetic standing sequences. You'll be challenged to find center and bi-directional length while your limbs and girdles are challenged with twists and crossing midline. (2.1.23)
Yoga 2 w/ Britt, 1hr, Winter Warm Up
This class features an array of asana and movement to help warm-up the entire body. Perfect for chilly mornings! (1.30.23)