Yoga 2 w/ Monicka, 1 hr: Help your entire spine to move fluidly in all directions, with some bonus chest opening work, we'll play and move toward revolved side angle pose. Tools needed: blocks, wall, bolster/cushion/stack of blankets (7/21/20)
5.0 average rating (1 review)$3
Yoga 2 w/ Maneena, 1 hr: Outdoor class prioritizing lengthening your side body and grounding your legs to the earth. (7/6/20)
5.0 average rating (1 review)$3
Yoga 1/2 w/ Ceci, 1 hr: This class will bring a sense of fluidity and flow to the body, encouraging you to move like water. Perfect for hot weather! (7/12/20)
5.0 average rating (2 reviews)$3
Yoga 2 w/ Maneena, 1 hr: Finding ground through sensations of the body, and making shapes to create space in the low back with side bends and hip opening. (7/13/20)
5.0 average rating (2 reviews)$3
Yoga Foundations 1 w/ Monicka, 1 hr: Focus on hips, shoulders and twists in this accessible, all-around feel-better practice. (6/24/20)
5.0 average rating (2 reviews)$3
Strength and Self-massage w/ Britt, 1 hr: Strengthen and then soften your wrists, fingers, forearms and shoulders. Come explore some detailed movement and embody your inner jellyfish! (7/6/20)
5.0 average rating (1 review)$3